Rux Robot FAQ

Privatization Model Configuration Description and Interface Agreement

The app configuration instructions are shown in the following figure.

You need to enter the Letianpai App -> Control -> select your robot -> AI Voice Engine -> Third Party, enter the configuration of private large model information, check “Set as Voice Engine”, and when speaking to the robot, except for the robot’s basic control statements, other voices will default to the third-party private large model interface.

Note: BaseUrl (private AI model interface address) in the figure needs to support public network accessibility

Below is an explanation of the calling convention for the privatization large model interface:

Note: The interface uses SSE (Server Server Events) for streaming requests

1. Request method


2. Request content type


3. Request the body to be in JSON format, with the following parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescribe
app_idstringapp_id configured in the app, custom parameters
api_keystringapi_key configured in the app, custom parameters
api_secretstringapi_secret configured in the app, custom parameters
contentstringThe requested question content
snstringThe unique identifier SN of the current device

Request Body Example:

    "content":"How to become a product manager",

4. Return data format convention:

event s a fixed value : message

data is a JSON format string

The JSON format in data is as follows:

field nametypedescription
codeintReturn code, 0 represents normal, all other non 0 values represent failure
msgstringRequest to return information. If the return fails, the error message will be placed in the MSG, and the robot will report this error
dataobjectentity content, see table below

The structure of data entity content in JSON:

field nametypedescription
contentstringThe answer text returned by the private large model may be a part of it
is_endboolfalse represents unfinished, true represents ended

“Return example”:

event: message
data: {"code":0,"msg":"success","data":{"content":"我是","is_end":false}}

event: message
data: {"code":0,"msg":"success","data":{"content":"乐天派公司","is_end":false}}

event: message
data: {"code":0,"msg":"success","data":{"content":"研发的","is_end":false}}

event: message
data: {"code":0,"msg":"success","data":{"content":"私有化","is_end":false}}

event: message
data: {"code":0,"msg":"success","data":{"content":"大模型","is_end":true}}

5. demo sdk like below:

Currently, only the Golang version is available, and other versions will be provided later

package main

import (

type Req struct {
	AppId     string `json:"app_id"`     // appid configured in the app
	ApiKey    string `json:"api_key"`    // apikey configured in the app
	ApiSecret string `json:"api_secret"` // apisecret configured in the app
	Content   string `json:"content"`    // Request text for ai models
	Sn        string `json:"sn"`         // Machine unique code

type Data struct {
	Content string `json:"content"` // Return text content
	IsEnd   bool   `json:"is_end"`  // Is it over

type RespData struct {
	Code int    `json:"code"` // Status code
	Msg  string `json:"msg"`  // Return prompt information
	Data *Data  `json:"data"` // The returned structural data

func getSendMsg(code int, msg, content string, isEnd bool) (string, error) {
	d := &Data{
		Content: content,
		IsEnd:   isEnd,
	respD := &RespData{
		Code: code,
		Msg:  msg,
		Data: d,
	respB, err := json.Marshal(respD)
	return string(respB), err

var answerListAll = [][]string{
		"【作者】毛泽东 ",

func handleSSE(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Set response header to specify the Content Type of SSE
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/event-stream")
	w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
	w.Header().Set("Connection", "keep-alive")

	// read body
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, "Error reading request body", http.StatusInternalServerError)
	// to deal body
	fmt.Printf("收到请求的body数据:%s\n", body)
	var reqB Req
	err = json.Unmarshal(body, &reqB)
	fmt.Println("reqB:", reqB)
	answerList := answerListAll[0]
	content := reqB.Content

	fmt.Println("content:", content)

	// Simulate AI model matching answers
	if strings.Contains(content, "是谁") || strings.Contains(content, "大模型") {
		answerList = answerListAll[0]
	} else if strings.Contains(content, "园春") {
		answerList = answerListAll[2]
	} else if strings.Contains(content, "产品经理") {
		answerList = answerListAll[3]
	} else {
		answerList = answerListAll[1]

	// Simulate real-time data push
	for idx, partAnswer := range answerList {
		isEnd := false
		if idx == len(answerList)-1 {
			isEnd = true
		respStr, err := getSendMsg(0, "success", partAnswer, isEnd)
		if err != nil {
			respStr, _ = getSendMsg(1, "Error in obtaining return information", "", true)

		SendEventMessage(w, "message", respStr)
		// Simulated delay added, real calls need to be removed
		time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)

// Send event messages
func SendEventMessage(w http.ResponseWriter, eventType, eventData string) {
	// Construct a message in Event Source format
	message := "event: " + eventType + "\n"
	message += "data: " + eventData + "\n\n"
	// Write the message to the response body
	_, err := io.WriteString(w, message)
	if err != nil {
		// Error occurred, stop sending messages

	// Refresh response subject to ensure data is sent
	flusher, ok := w.(http.Flusher)
	if ok {

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/sse", handleSSE)

	// Start the web service and listen on thelocalhost:8012
	fmt.Println("server is listening :")
	if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8012", nil); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error starting server:", err)