
User Agreement

[Important Notice]

Beijing Renhejia Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Renhejia”) hereby reminds users to carefully read and fully understand this “Software License and Service Agreement” (hereinafter referred to as “this” Agreement “). Users should carefully read and fully understand the terms of this agreement, especially those related to the exemption or limitation of Renhejia’s liability, dispute resolution and applicable law. The terms related to the exemption or limitation of liability have been marked in bold, please read them carefully. Please read carefully and choose to accept or not accept this Agreement (Juvenile should read this” Agreement “accompanied by a legal guardian). Your download, installation and use of the software, as well as account acquisition and login, are deemed to accept this agreement and agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.

Renhejia has the right to modify this agreement. The updated terms of this agreement will be published on the official website or this software, and will take effect from the date of publication. Renhejia has the right to modify this agreement. The updated terms of this agreement will be published on the official website or this software, and will take effect from the date of publication. After Renhejia modifies the terms of this agreement, if you do not accept the revised terms, please immediately stop using the “Optimistic Desktop Robot” software and services provided by Renhejia; the user’s continued use of the “Optimistic Desktop Robot” software and services provided by Renhejia will be deemed to have accepted the revised terms of this agreement.

1. General provisions

1.1. This agreement is an agreement between you (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) and Hejia and its operating partner (hereinafter referred to as the “Partner”) for the User “to download, install and use the” Optimistic Desktop Robot “software (hereinafter referred to as the” Software “) provided by Hejia and the use of Hejia-related services.
1.2. This software and services are provided by Renhejia and can be installed and used on (including but not limited to) mobile smart end point devices, so as to provide remote monitoring, Bluetooth device interaction and other functions for the “users” using the above smart end points.
1.3. The ownership and operation rights of the software and services are owned by the Renhejia.

2. Software License Scope

2.1 Renhejia grants the User a non-transferable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable personal license to use the Software.
2.2. The User may install, use, display and run the Software on a single mobile end point device for non-commercial purposes. However, the User shall not install, use or run the Software for business operations. Users may not copy, alter or modify any software data or any data released into the memory of any end point device during the operation of the software and the interaction data generated between the Client and the server during the operation of the software, or use plug-ins to run the software or create derivative works of any kind, including but not limited to the use of plug-ins, access to the software and related systems through unauthorized third-party tools/services. If the software needs to be sold, copied or distributed for commercial purposes (such as pre-installation and bundling of the software), written authorization and permission from Renhejia must be obtained.
2.3. Without the permission of Renhejia, the user shall not install the software on other end point devices without the express permission of Renhejia, including but not limited to mobile phones, set-top boxes, game consoles, televisions, DVD players, etc.
2.4. The user may make one copy of the software for the purpose of using the software and services, but only for backup purposes. The backup copy must contain all copyright information contained in the original software.

3. Software acquisition, installation and upgrade

3.1. Users should download and install the software from the website designated by Renhejia or in the manner specified by Renhejia. Beware of downloading software from non-designated websites to prevent mobile devices from being infected with malicious programs that can destroy user data and obtain user privacy information. If you obtain the software or an installation program with the same name as the software from an unauthorized third party, Renhejia cannot guarantee that the software will work properly and will not be responsible for any loss caused to you.
3.2. The user must select the software version that matches the installed end point device. Otherwise, any software problems, equipment problems or damage caused by the mismatch between the software version and the device model are the responsibility of the user.
3.3. In order to improve the User Experience and improve the service content, Renhejia has the right to provide replacement, modification and upgrade versions of the Software, and also has the right to charge a fee for such replacement, modification or upgrade, subject to your prior consent. The software enables the “Upgrade Tips” function for users by default. Renhejia provides users with the right to choose whether to enable the above features, depending on the version of the software used by the user. After the release of a new software version, Renhejia does not guarantee that the old software version will continue to be available.

4. Terms of Use

4.1. The user may use the software and services on the premise of complying with this agreement and the law. The user shall not perform the following acts:
4.1.1 Delete all copyright information on the Software and other copies, or modify, delete or circumvent the technical measures set by the Software to protect intellectual property rights;
4.1.2 Reverse engineering the Software, such as disassembly, decompiling or other attempts to obtain the source code of the Software;
4.1.3. by modifying or forging instructions and data during the operation of the software, adding, removing or changing the functions or operating effects of the software, or using the software or methods used for the above purposes for operation or communication to the public (whether these acts are for commercial purposes or not);
4.1.4. use the software for any act that endangers cyber security, including but not limited to: using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers/accounts; accessing public networks or other people’s operating systems without permission and deleting, modifying or Adding any stored information; unauthorized attempts to probe, scan or test software systems or network vulnerabilities or other acts that undermine cyber security; attempts to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of software systems or websites, deliberately spread malicious programs or viruses, or perform other acts that damage or interfere with normal network information services; forging TCP/IP data packet names or partial names;
4.1.5. the User logs in to or uses the Software and Services through compatible software or systems of third parties not developed, licensed or approved by the User, or produces, distributes or distributes the aforementioned tools;
4.1.6. without the written consent of the user, the user performs the following acts on the software and the information in it, including but not limited to: use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, publish, establish mirroring site or develop derivative products, works, services, plug-ins, compatibility or interconnection related to the software without authorization;
4.1.7 Use the software to publish, transmit, disseminate or store content that violates national laws, endangers national security, the reunification of the motherland, social stability or public order and good customs, or any inappropriate, insulting, defamatory, or violent content or any content that violates national laws and regulations;
4.1.8 Use the software to publish, transmit, disseminate or store content that infringes upon the legal rights of others such as intellectual property rights and trade secrets;
4.1.9. Use the software to publish, transmit, and spread advertising information or spam information in batches;
4.1.10. otherwise use the software and other services provided by the company in any illegal way, for any illegal purpose or in any way inconsistent with the use licensed by this agreement;
4.2. Information release specification
4.2.1. You can use the software to publish views, data, text, information, usernames, pictures, photos, personal information, audio or video files, links and other information that you have created or that you have the right to publish. You must ensure that you own intellectual property rights or have obtained legal authorization for the uploaded information, and that the use of the software and services does not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of any third party.
4.2.2. Do not use the Software to perform the following acts, including but not limited to: Create, reproduce, publish, transmit or store any of the following content that violates national laws and regulations:
(1) Content that violates the basic principles established by the Constitution;
(2) Content that endangers national security, leaks state secrets, overthrows state power or undermines national unity;
(3) Content that damages national honor and interests;
(4) Content that incites ethnic hatred or racial discrimination, or undermines national unity;
(5) undermining state religious policies or spreading cult or feudal superstition;
(6) Content that spreads rumors, disrupts social order or undermines social stability;
(7) Spreading , pornography, gambling, violence, murder or terrorist acts or abetting crimes;
(8) Content that insults or defames others, or infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of others;
(9) Content that incites illegal assemblies, alliances, processions, demonstrations or gatherings to disrupt social order;
(10) Content related to activities carried out on behalf of illegal Non-governmental organizations;
(11) Any other content prohibited by laws and regulations. Publish, transmit, disseminate or store content that infringes the legal rights of others (such as reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights and trade secrets); Fabricate facts or conceal the truth in order to mislead or deceive others; Publish, transmit or disseminate advertising or spam; Participate in other acts that violate laws and regulations, policies, public order, social morality, etc.
4.2.3 Participate in other acts that violate laws and regulations, policies, public order, social morality, etc.
4.3 You understand and agree that:
4.3.1 Renjia will determine whether the user is suspected of violating the above usage regulations, and suspend or terminate your license or take other restrictive measures that can be taken under this agreement according to the determination result;
4.3.2. Renjia will directly delete the information that is suspected to be illegal or suspected of infringing the legal rights of others or violating this agreement when the user uses the licensed software;
4.3.3. If you violate the above-mentioned usage regulations and cause damage to a third party, you need to bear legal responsibility independently in your own name, and you should ensure that Renhejia are free from losses or increased costs;
4.3.4. If the user violates the relevant legal provisions or this agreement, causes Hejia to suffer losses, or is subject to a claim from a third party, or is punished by an administrative authority, the user shall compensate Hejia for the losses and/or losses caused by Hejia. Expenses incurred, including reasonable attorney fees, investigation and evidence collection costs.

5. Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection

5.1. The protection of your personal data is important to Renhejia. In order to provide the functionality of the Software and improve the User Experience , Renhejia will collect the following types of data:
5.1.1. Device-related information: Information related to the hardware, performance, status, etc. of your device. For example, the identification information of the robot device (device serial number , MAC address, Bluetooth address), robot model, system version number. Identification information of mobile devices ( IMEI number encrypted by hash algorithm, IMSI , MAC address, MEID, Android ID, device hardware serial number, SIM card identification), mobile phone model, system version number.
5.1.2. Network information: WIFI SSID, RSSI, IP, etc.
5.1.3. Information we designate as relevant to you: We may collect and use information such as an Optimist account number.
5.2. We collect, use and protect your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You can view the Privacy Policy at [ https://letianpai.com/?page_id=2887 ].
5.3. From time to time, we may share data related to the Xiaomi/Mijia/Mi Rabbit brand and services with Xiaomi to provide and improve the wonderful products and services (including software and hardware) of Xiaomi and Xiaomi Ecosystem, and to provide better product features and User Experience .

6. Service Risk and Disclaimer

6.1. Users must equip themselves with mobile end point devices to access the Internet and the equipment required to use telecommunications value-added services, and bear the communication fees and information fees charged by personal mobile end point devices to access the Internet or third parties (including but not limited to telecommunications or mobile communication providers). If you need telecommunications value-added services, we recommend that you confirm the relevant fees with your telecommunications value-added service provider.
6.2. All losses suffered by the user due to third-party reasons (such as communication line failure, technical problems, network or mobile end point equipment failure, system instability and other force majeure factors), Renjia and its cooperative units shall not be liable.
6.3. The software, like most Internet software, is affected by factors including but not limited to user reasons, network service quality, social environment differences, etc., and may be harassed by various security issues, such as real life caused by others using user data. Harassment; other software downloaded and installed by users or other websites visited by users contain viruses such as “Trojan horses”, which threaten the security of users’ end point device information and data, and then affect the normal use of the software, etc. Users should strengthen their awareness of information security and user data protection, and pay attention to strengthening password protection to avoid losses and harassment.
6.4. When the user uses the software or requests Renjia to provide specific services, “the software will call a third-party system or software to support the user’s use or access. The results of the use or access are provided by the third party. Renjia does not guarantee the security, accuracy and effectiveness of the results achieved through the support of the above systems or software; Renjia does not assume any responsibility for any disputes and damages arising therefrom.
6.5. Renhejia reminds users that in order to ensure the autonomy of the company’s business development and adjustment, Renhejia has the right to modify or interrupt the service at any time without notifying the user, and Renhejia exercises the right to modify or interrupt the service without being responsible for the user or any third party.
6.6. Except as expressly provided by laws and regulations, we will use our best efforts to ensure that the software and the technology and information involved in it are safe, effective, accurate and reliable; however, subject to the Prior Art, the user understands that the user cannot guarantee this.
6.7. The user shall be responsible for personal injury or incidental and indirect damages (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of data, business interruption or other commercial damages) caused by or in connection with any of the following circumstances: (1) Use or failure to use the licensed “software”; (2) Unauthorized use of the software by a third party or modification of the user’s data; (3) Costs and losses incurred by the user during the use of the software; (4) User’s misunderstanding of the software; (5) Other losses related to the software that are not caused by Renhejia.
6.8. The party at fault assumes all responsibility for any personal or financial injury or loss caused or likely to result from the actions of the user and other users of the software through any software, or because the user is misled or deceived.

7. Intellectual Property Declaration

7.1. Renhejia is the intellectual property right holder of the software. Intellectual property rights such as copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights related to the software, as well as all information related to the software (including but not limited to text, pictures, audio, video, charts, interface design, layout, data or electronic docs, etc.) are subject to the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and corresponding international treaties. Except for the Xiaomi/Mijia/Mi Rabbit trademark, Renhejia enjoys the above intellectual property rights.
7.2. Without the prior written consent of Renhejia, the user shall not use or transfer the above intellectual property rights by himself or any third party for any commercial or non-commercial purpose. Renhejia reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for the above actions.

8. Changes to the Agreement

8.1. Renhejia has the right to modify the terms of this agreement at its own discretion when necessary. Once the terms are changed, the revised terms will be announced on the relevant page. If you do not agree with the changed content, you should take the initiative to cancel this service. If you continue to use the service, you will be deemed to accept the change in the terms of the agreement.
8.2. Renhejia or cooperative units have the right to modify or change the paid services, charging standards, charging methods, service fees or terms of service provided by them when necessary. When providing services, Renhejia may start charging certain users a certain fee now or in the future. If the user refuses to pay such fees, he cannot continue to use the relevant services after the charge starts. Renhejia and Cooperative Units will do their best to notify users of modifications or changes by email or other means.

9. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

9.1. The validity and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Mainland of the People’s Republic of China. If there are no relevant legal provisions, reference shall be made to international business practices and/or business practices.
9.2. The signing place of this agreement is Chaoyang District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China.
9.3. The user and the family agree that all disputes arising from this service should be resolved through negotiation. If the negotiation fails, either party may submit the dispute to the court with legal jurisdiction where this agreement is signed.

10. Other

10.1. When users use a specific service of the software, the service may have separate agreements and related business rules (hereinafter collectively referred to as “separate agreements”), so please read and agree to the relevant separate agreements before using the specific service.
10.2. This Agreement shall enter into force on 1 July 2023.
Beijing Renjia Technology Co., Ltd.

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